Market positioning of office chair

Office chair market positioning determines, in the future period of time, office chair manufacturers can not have other changes in the office chair behavior. Because if the market positioning, then all the processes of office chair production technology and so on have been a fixed model, if the change may cause a series of problems in the production of office chair.

The market positioning of office chair is generally divided into ordinary office chair, mid-end office chair and high-end office chair. Positioning in which stage, the material, accessories and price of office chair are not the same. It is impossible to say that the office chair with ordinary materials and accessories is positioned in the ranks of high-end products, which is a kind of deception and also a kind of irresponsible behavior to consumers. Of course, it is impossible to use intermediate or senior material and accessories to locate the price of an ordinary office chair, which is unrealistic.

After a product positioning in a specific range has been recognized by the market, the first step after positioning is to open the market, and peer manufacturers office chair competition, and peer manufacturers contrast, in-depth understanding of their own office chair is whether in line with the current market positioning, the office chair needs to be corrected part of the timely processing, in order to face the constant competitive pressure.

Office chair market positioning should be based on facts. The cognition of the market and the understanding of the product, these need to be carefully analyzed. The positioning of office chair manufacturers determines that their own office chair has certain advantages at this stage, which can reflect the advantages of the office chair at this stage.

Post time: May-09-2023