Office chair yoga for office workers

Nowadays many office workers are in a tense and stiff state due to long-term desk work, “neck, shoulder and back pain” has almost become a common problem in the office crowd. Today, we will show you how to use an office chair to do yoga, which can definitely burn fat and reduce neck, shoulder and back pain.

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1.Arm lift

Benefits: Reduces tension in the back and shoulders.

1)Sit on the edge of the chair, keeping the pelvis in the middle, hands in front of each other interlock;

2)Exhale, stretch your arms forward, the next time you inhale, stretch your arms up, and press your hips firmly;

3)At the same time, extend the arms up with each inhalation.

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2. Cow face arms

Benefits: Relieve shoulder tension and strengthen core strength

1) Sit on the chair, inhale, stretch your right arm up, exhale elbow flexion, and press your right hand down between the shoulder blades;

2) The left hand to grasp the right hand, both hands behind each other, keep breathing 8-10 times;

3) Switch sides to make the other side.

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3.Sitting in Bird King Pose

Benefits: Relax wrist joints and relieve tension.

1) the left leg is raised and stacked on the right thigh, and the left foot is rounded the right calf;

2) Similarly, the left elbow stacked on the right elbow, and then twine the wrists, thumb pointing to the tip of the nose, keep the pelvis and shoulders in the same;

3) Hold the breath for 8-10 times, switch sides and do the other side.

Warm tips: For people with shoulder and neck pain or poor shoulder flexibility, their hands can be folded, their legs don’t need to be crossed, and the upper foot can be pointed to the ground.

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4.Back extension of hands

Benefits: Relieve shoulder and back pain, improve flexibility.

1)Hands in the back of each other buckle stretch, try to move the two shoulder blades to the middle;

2)If you feel that your arms are not the same length, you should try to extend the relatively short side actively, which is mainly caused by the different degrees of opening the shoulders;

3)Keep breathing for 8-10 times.

Warm tip: if the front side of the shoulder is tight, you can put your hand apart on the arm of the chair for extension.

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5.Back extension of one leg

Benefits: Stretch legs and improve leg flexibility.

1) Bend the right knee, interlock the fingers of both hands and button the center of the right foot;

2) With the next inhalation, try to straighten the right leg, keep the chest up, straighten the back, and look in front;

3) Keep breathing 5-8 times, switch sides to do the other side.

Tip: If the leg is not straight, bend the knee, or grasp the ankle or calf with both hands, with the help of straps.

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6.Sit forward and stretch your back

Benefits: Stretches back and limbs, improves flexibility.

1)legs straight, can be slightly separated;

2)Inhale, straighten up both arms, exhale, from the hip joint forward flexor extension, can press the floor with both hands, fully stretch the back, expand the front chest.

Warm tips: the back of the thigh or waist back tension of friends, can bend a little knee, try to keep the back straight.

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Finally, I would like to remind you that all the exercises must be smooth breathing. After the exercise, it is best to sit upright, close your eyes and keep breathing naturally for at least 5 minutes to allow your body to recover slowly.

Post time: Oct-09-2022